Episode 4

What if We Treated the Bible Like Our Phone?

I can’t take credit for the original question, but I have expanded on it.

What if we treated the bible like our cell phone?

I would we buy it a cool case so it would stay in great condition?

Would it be in our pocket or purse wherever we go?

Would we get halfway to work and turn around to go get it?

Would we have a “Family plan” so we could all share it?

Would we have an unlimited data package so we didn’t have to worry about how much we used it?

Would people wait in lines to get the newest translations?

Would we feel absolutely lost without it and offer rewards to anyone who found it?

Would we attach tracking devices to locate it via GPS?

Would we be more comfortable asking people what are your favorite parts? Like we ask about our favorite apps?

Would we give it to our children to keep them occupied?

Would every twelve-year-old feel they were entitled to one because “Everyone has one but me”?

Would we “Share” cool stuff we found on Twitter and Facebook?

Would we legally tie ourselves to it for two years?

Would it be the first thing we check when we get up, and the last thing we read before we go to bed?

Would we read it in line at the grocery store, or while you wait for your waitress to come back?

Would we be reminded a thousand times, “Please quit reading the bible during the feature presentation” before a movie?

Would we have “Genius Pews” instead of genius bars?

Would there be signs at Subway stating, “Please no bible reading” while in line?

Would we make arrangements to keep it charged on the road?

Would we buy insurance to cover it if we lost it?

Would we spend $3 a day (or more) to use it?

Would we let a stranger use it in a pinch?

Would the slick commercials say, “Yeah, there’s a verse for that..”

Your phone allows you to stay connected with family, friends, and the world. The bible helps you stay connected to God who made your family, friends, and world.

Can you hear me now?

About the Podcast

Show artwork for Feeding My Faith
Feeding My Faith
God Made Simple

About your host

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Dave Jackson

Dave Jackson began podcasting in 2005 and launched the School of Podcasting (schoolofpodcasting.com). His School of Podcasting show has over 4.0 million downloads. He has helped hundreds of people plan, launch, and grow their podcasts. He is the author of the book Profit from your podcast and is a featured speaker at events. In 2016 Dave joined Libsyn (the largest podcast hosting company) as part of their tech support team.  In 2018 he was inducted into the Academy of Podcasters Hall of Fame.

Find all his shows at www.powerofpodcasting.com

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